Perhaps you might need divorce mediation and one would hope that as a couple, an Antenuptial Contract (ANC) was signed prior to getting married in KwaZul Natal. This is the legal document that determines what becomes of your possessions in the unfortunate event of death or divorce. Hopefully through mediation, it will not be necessary to have another look at the ANC.
If you are a resident of South Africa, including Chase Valley, signing an Ante-Nuptial Contract or (ANC) is always advisable before couples unite in marriage. An ANC is a legal document or contract entered into by the couple before they tie the knot. It will determine what becomes of your assets or possessions in the unfortunate event of death or divorce. This can occur if mediation fails. At Viv Greene Attorneys, we have an upfront, all-inclusive fee. Our rates are among the most competitive in Empangeni and we ensure no hidden costs
If an Ante-Nuptial Contract is not signed, couples will automatically be married in the Community of Property (COP). In the event of divorce, or if mediation fails, there is a joint estate where everything will be split down the middle. This means that the entire estate is at risk. One’s assets are left with no protection and in-turn, left vulnerable to creditors.
It is imperative that you sign before you get married. Allow Viv Greene Attorneys to draw up your Ante-Nuptial Contract.
Viv Greene Attorneys are specialists at finding innovative ways to settle issues and resolve matters. To-that-end, our law firm has a team of attorneys who are accredited mediators. Their expertise and qualifications in mediation are first rate.
Mediation is described as being an “intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it.” (Arbitration) It is a proven and compelling dispute resolution strategy that is occasionally misconstrued in Chase Valley. Mediation can be explained as negotiations that are facilitated by a neutral third party called the mediator. He or she will assist the parties re-establish what provoked or instigated their dispute. For attorneys and their clients, private mediation provides numerable distinct benefits.
Mediation is a swift and cost-efficient method of aiding couples in disagreement, reach an ideal solution. If you are involved in a dispute in Chase Valley, mediation should be considered as an option.
The outcome of a dispute is not decided by the mediator. He or she has no authority to impose a settlement. The mediator is merely the conduit for communications between the two sides. The final outcome must be agreed upon and accepted by both parties. They maintain control over how the dispute will be resolved
Cohabitation Agreement
Domestic Worker Agreement
Power of Attorney
Copyright Assignment Agreement
Lease Agreement – Digs
Rental Agreement – For safe letting
Sale of a Movable Agreement
Various Business contracts
A mediator is selected when both parties involved in a dispute agree on mediation. A mediation hearing is then conducted by the mediator. For your convenience, this can either take place online or in Chase Valley. During a hearing, both parties may be brought together in order to work on an agreement or a mediator may use shuttle diplomacy. Shuttle diplomacy is a strategy or technique used by a dispute resolution practitioner where she or he goes back and forth between parties with proposals in order to reach an agreement. They will endeavour to reach an agreement without both parties being brought together. If an agreement is reached, the parties will then sign a settlement agreement
When a successful mediation process has taken place, the parties may decide to resolve their dispute. The terms of agreement are listed in a settlement agreement and the written agreement is signed by the parties involved in the dispute. The mediator typically facilitates the agreement but does not sign the agreement. The parties may agree that the agreement be made an order of court.
If the disputing parties are unable to reach an agreement, or if the mediation process fails, the mediator will then declare the proceedings unsuccessful. Both parties are then free to pursue other legal solutions or remedies to their dispute, ie. Institute legal proceedings.